IRRC No. 924

Protecting the Environment in Armed Conflict

27 articles

IRRC No. 924 Protecting the Environment in Armed Conflict

27 articles

In the context of the historical development of international humanitarian law (IHL), the specific protection of the environment is relatively recent. Still, in the almost fifty years since the first treaty rules emerged explicitly protecting the environment during armed conflict, modern understandings of the relationships among ecological and human health, on one hand, and the multi-layered and diverse threats that armed conflicts pose to the environment, on the other hand, have significantly advanced. This issue of the International Review of the Red Cross delves into the many ways that conflict can adversely impact the environment. The articles within it develop thoughtful analysis regarding how the existing international legal framework protects the environment during armed conflict.

Table of contents

article IRRC No. 924

Protection of the Environment During Armed Conflict

article IRRC No. 924

Interview with Marja Lehto

article IRRC No. 924

The protection of the natural environment under international humanitarian law: The ICRC's 2020 Guidelines

article IRRC No. 924

The obligation to prevent environmental harm in relation to armed conflict

article IRRC No. 924

The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations: Strengthening the humanitarian response to the climate and environment crises

article IRRC No. 924

Re-evaluating international humanitarian law in a triple planetary crisis: New challenges, new tools

article IRRC No. 924

Protecting the environment in armed conflict: Evaluating the US perspective

article IRRC No. 924

The 2022 Political Declaration on the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas: A tool for protecting the environment in armed conflict?

article IRRC No. 924

War in cities: Why the protection of the natural environment matters even when fighting in urban areas, and what can be done to ensure protection

article IRRC No. 924

Another brick in the wall: Climate change (in)adaptation under the law of belligerent occupation

article IRRC No. 924

Time for “environmentarian corridors”? Investigating the concept of safe passage to protect the environment during armed conflict

article IRRC No. 924

Increasing the safeguarding of protected areas threatened by warfare through international environmental law

article IRRC No. 924

Protected zones in context: Exploring the complexity of armed conflicts and their impacts on the protection of biodiversity

article IRRC No. 924

Remedying the environmental impacts of war: Challenges and perspectives for full reparation

article IRRC No. 924

Criminalizing reprisals against the natural environment

article IRRC No. 924

Leveraging emerging technologies to enable environmental monitoring and accountability in conflict zones

article IRRC No. 924

A possible legal framework for the exploitation of natural resources by non-State armed groups

article IRRC No. 924

A galaxy of norms: UN peace operations and protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

article IRRC No. 924

International environmental law as a means for enhancing the protection of the environment in warfare: A critical assessment of scholarly theoretical frameworks

article IRRC No. 924

Gender, conflict and the environment: Surfacing connections in international humanitarian law

article IRRC No. 924

At the frontlines of implementing the right to a healthy environment: Understanding human rights and environmental due diligence in relation to armed conflicts

article IRRC No. 924

The practice of the UN Security Council pertaining to the environment and armed conflict, 1945–2021

article IRRC No. 924

Librarian’s Pick: Scorched Earth: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature, by Emmanuel Kreike

article IRRC No. 924

Beyond the Literature: Detention by Non-State Armed Groups under International Law, Ezequiel Heffes

article IRRC No. 924

Above the law: Drones, aerial vision and the law of armed conflict – a socio-technical approach

article IRRC No. 924

Building the case for a social and behaviour change approach to prevent and respond to the recruitment and use of children by armed forces and armed groups

article IRRC No. 924

Chair's Summary Report of State Expert Meeting on International Humanitarian Law: Protecting the Environment in Armed Conflicts