IRRC No. 880

Conflict in Afghanistan I

10 articles

IRRC No. 880 Conflict in Afghanistan I

10 articles

The year 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of the launching of 'Operation Enduring Freedom'. For Americans, this is one of the longest wars in the history of their country, but when the American forces started to bomb Afghanistan the population of that country had already been suffering the ravages of civil wars, foreign intervention, and oppressive regimes for over twenty years. The Afghan conflict poses several challenges: that of building up stability in a territory ravaged by three decades of conflicts; that of the adequacy of the law to deal with the current crisis; and that of humanitarian action conducted by actors with varying goals and methods who are all operating in the same context.

Table of contents

article IRRC No. 880

Editorial: conflict in Afghanistan I

article IRRC No. 880

Interview with Dr Sima Samar

article IRRC No. 880

Afghanistan: an historical and geographical appraisal

article IRRC No. 880

Dynamic interplay between religion and armed conflict in Afghanistan

article IRRC No. 880

Transnational Islamic networks

article IRRC No. 880

Impunity and insurgency: a deadly combination in Afghanistan

article IRRC No. 880

The right to counsel as a safeguard of justice in Afghanistan: the contribution of the International Legal Foundation

article IRRC No. 880

State-building in Afghanistan: a case showing the limits?

article IRRC No. 880

The future of Afghanistan: an Afghan responsibility

article IRRC No. 880

Books and articles (Winter 2010)