IRRC No. 904


26 篇文章

IRRC No. 904 移民与流离失所

26 篇文章



article IRRC No. 904


article IRRC No. 904


article IRRC No. 904

Editorial: Migration and displacement: Humanity with its back to the wall

article IRRC No. 904

"All I want is to know": Testimonies of the Families of Missing Migrants in Zimbabwe

article IRRC No. 904

Interview with Filippo Grandi

article IRRC No. 904

Mobilising the Movement: Australian Red Cross, migration, and the role of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement around humanitarian response

article IRRC No. 904

British Red Cross response to young migrants in Calais, France

article IRRC No. 904

Assistance for and protection of migrants: Experience of the Honduran Red Cross

article IRRC No. 904

Displacement in Nigeria: Scenes from the northeast

article IRRC No. 904

Between hospitality and asylum: A historical perspective on displaced agency

article IRRC No. 904

Addressing the protection and assistance needs of migrants: The ICRC approach to migration

article IRRC No. 904

Some reflections on the IFRC’s approach to migration and displacement

article IRRC No. 904

Obligations of transit countries under refugee law: A Western Balkans case study

article IRRC No. 904

In the name of (de)securitization: Speaking security to protect migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons?

article IRRC No. 904

Protecting internally displaced persons: The value of the Kampala Convention as a regional example

article IRRC No. 904

Specificities and challenges of responding to internal displacement in urban settings

article IRRC No. 904

Do no harm: A taxonomy of the challenges of humanitarian experimentation

article IRRC No. 904

Note on migration and the principle of non-refoulement, ICRC, 2018

article IRRC No. 904

ICRC policy paper on immigration detention

article IRRC No. 904

Translating the Kampala Convention into practice: A stocktaking exercise

article IRRC No. 904

Forced to flee: A multidisciplinary conference on internal displacement, migration and refugee crises, SOAS University of London, Arts and Humanities Research Council, University of Exeter, British Red Cross and ICRC

article IRRC No. 904

Aide-memoire: Operational guidance on maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of sites and settlements

article IRRC No. 904

What’s new on How does law protect in war? Online: Annual update on case studies published from January to December 2017

article IRRC No. 904

Book review: Refugees in Extended Exile: Living on the Edge

article IRRC No. 904

Book review: The Arms Trade Treaty: A Commentary

article IRRC No. 904

New publications in international humanitarian law and on the International Committee of the Red Cross (Spring / Summer 2016)