IRRC No. 864

Methods of warfare

13 articles

IRRC No. 864 Methods of warfare

13 articles

The present edition of the International Review of the Red Cross illustrates some aspects of present-day methods of warfare and the applicable rules.

Table of contents

article IRRC No. 864

Editorial: Methods of warfare

article IRRC No. 864

Interview with General Sir Rupert Smith

article IRRC No. 864

A la guerre comme à la guerre: patterns of armed conflict, humanitarian law responses and new challenges

article IRRC No. 864

Asymmetric conflict structures

article IRRC No. 864

Contextualizing proportionality: jus ad bellum and jus in bello in the Lebanese war

article IRRC No. 864

Precautions under the law governing the conduct of hostilities

article IRRC No. 864

Incitement in international criminal law

article IRRC No. 864

International treaties against terrorism and the use of terrorism during armed conflict and by armed forces

article IRRC No. 864

The right to life in armed conflict: does international humanitarian law provide all the answers?

article IRRC No. 864

Respect for international humanitarian law by armed non-state actors in Africa

article IRRC No. 864

Reviewing the legality of new weapons, means and methods of warfare

article IRRC No. 864

A Guide to the Legal Review of New Weapons, Means and Methods of Warfare: Measures to Implement Article 36 of Additional Protocol I of 1977

article IRRC No. 864

Books and articles (Winter 2006)