IRRC No. 55

International Review of the Red Cross - 10-1965

19 articles

IRRC No. 55 International Review of the Red Cross - 10-1965

19 articles

Table of contents

article IRRC No. 55

RCE volume 5 issue 55 Cover and Front matter

article IRRC No. 55

RCE volume 5 issue 55 Cover and Back matter

article IRRC No. 55

Campaign for the dissemination of the Geneva Conventions

article IRRC No. 55

Recognition of the Red Cross Society of Uganda

article IRRC No. 55

Vietnam—Cambodia—Japan—Yemen—Cyprus—Africa—India and Pakistan

article IRRC No. 55

Visit by the President of the Mexican Red Cross

article IRRC No. 55

Response to the ICRC appeal for respect to be given to the rules of humanity in Viet Nam

article IRRC No. 55

Medical aspects of the Uqhd hospital

article IRRC No. 55

Scope for the Red Cross in Africa

article IRRC No. 55

The dissemination of the Geneva Conventions

article IRRC No. 55


article IRRC No. 55


article IRRC No. 55


article IRRC No. 55

Upper Volta

article IRRC No. 55

Albert Schweitzer and the Red Cross

article IRRC No. 55

International Social Service

article IRRC No. 55

World Health Assembly

article IRRC No. 55

Title article - 10-1965

article IRRC No. 55

Extract from the Statutes of the International Committee of the Red Cross