RICR No. 848

Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross - 12-2002

17 articles

RICR No. 848 Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross - 12-2002

17 articles

Table des matières

article RICR No. 848

IRC volume 84 issue 848 Cover and Front matter

article RICR No. 848

IRC volume 84 issue 848 Cover and Back matter

article RICR No. 848


article RICR No. 848


article RICR No. 848

The missing

article RICR No. 848

The ICRC and the missing

article RICR No. 848

Du numéro matricule au code génétique: la manipulation du corps des tués de la guerre en quête d'identité

article RICR No. 848

‘Denial and silence’ or ‘acknowledgement and disclosure’

article RICR No. 848

L'humanitaire, le religieux et la mort

article RICR No. 848

Le Groupe de travail sur les disparitions forcées des Nations Unies

article RICR No. 848

Overcoming tensions between family and judicial procedures

article RICR No. 848

The missing in the aftermath of war: When do the needs of victims' families and international war crimes tribunals clash?

article RICR No. 848

Developing standards in international forensic work to identify missing persons

article RICR No. 848

Reflections on the scientific documentation of human rights violations

article RICR No. 848

Management, exhumation and identification of human remains: A viewpoint of the developing world

article RICR No. 848

Biotechnology, weapons and humanity Biotechnologie, armes et humanité

article RICR No. 848

Récentes acquisitions faites par le Centre d'Information et de Documentation, CICR/Recent acquisitions of the Library & Research Service, ICRC