RICR No. 844

Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross - 12-2001

33 articles

RICR No. 844 Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge/International Review of the Red Cross - 12-2001

33 articles

Table des matières

article RICR No. 844

IRC volume 83 issue 844 Cover and Front matter

article RICR No. 844

IRC volume 83 issue 844 Cover and Back matter

article RICR No. 844


article RICR No. 844

A note from the Editor

article RICR No. 844

Droit de Genève et droit de La Haye

article RICR No. 844

Rôle du CICR en matière de prévention des conflits armés: possibilitiés d'action et limites

article RICR No. 844

Corporate responsibility and humanitarian action. What relations between the business and humanitarian worlds?

article RICR No. 844

Humanity: What is it and how does it influence international law?

article RICR No. 844

The 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons: A useful framework despite earlier disappointments

article RICR No. 844

The creation and control of places of protection during United Nations peace operations

article RICR No. 844

Application du droit international humanitaire par la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l'homme

article RICR No. 844

Prévention des déplacements forcés de population – possibilitiés et limites

article RICR No. 844

The right to food in situations of armed conflict: The legal framework

article RICR No. 844

Protecting the health sector in Colombia: A step to make the conflit less cruel

article RICR No. 844

Humanitarian activities of the German Red Cross in the Balkans – An evaluation

article RICR No. 844

Conseil des Délégués – Genève, 11–14 novembre 2001/Council of Delegates – Geneva, 11-14 November 2001

article RICR No. 844

The Emblem: Statement by Christina Magnuson, co-chair, Joint Working Group on the Emblem

article RICR No. 844

The Emblem: Statement by Jacques Forster, Vice-President, International Committee of the Red Cross

article RICR No. 844

Assemblée générale de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge

article RICR No. 844

Children and war

article RICR No. 844

Women Facing War – An ICRC study

article RICR No. 844

Pour que l'esprit d'humanité l'emporte

article RICR No. 844

Afghanistan: le CICR demande à toutes les parties au conflit de respecter le droit international humanitaire

article RICR No. 844

A time for humanity to prevail

article RICR No. 844

Afghanistan: ICRC calls on all parties to conflict to respect international humanitarian law ICRC

article RICR No. 844

A message from Afghanistan: The role of Afghan ICRC staff

article RICR No. 844

Reconnaissance de la Société de la Croix-Rouge de Moldova — Recognition of the Red Cross Society of Moldova

article RICR No. 844

Title article - 12-2001

article RICR No. 844

Title article - 12-2001

article RICR No. 844

Publications récentes – Recent publications

article RICR No. 844

Hans-Peter Gasser termine son mandat en tant que rédacteur en chef de la Revue – Hans-Peter Gasser steps down as Editor of the Review

article RICR No. 844

Nouveau rédacteur en chef de la Revue – New editor for the Review

article RICR No. 844

Table des matières 2001 – Contents 2001