Peter Herby

Number of articles written: 9 articles

Peter Herby

Number of articles written: 9 articles

Peter Herby is coordinator of the Mines-Arms unit in the ICRC's Legal Division.

Articles publiés

article RICR No. 843

United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects New York, 9–20 July 2001

article RICR No. 841

Explosive remnants of war: Protecting civilians through an additional protocol to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons

article RICR No. 835

Review of the legality of weapons: a new approach

article RICR No. 835

Arms availability and the situation of civilians in armed conflict — Summary of an ICRC study for the 27th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

article RICR No. 832

Transferts d'armes, assistance humanitaire et droit international humanitaire

article RICR No. 832

Interdiction intemationale des mines antipersonnel: Genèse et négociation du «traité d'Ottawa»

article RICR No. 824

Un traité d'interdiction des mines antipersonnel sera-t-il conclu en 1997?

article RICR No. 819

Troisième session de la Conférence d'examen des États parties à la Convention des Nations Unies de 1980 sur certaines armes classiques — Genève, 22 avril-3 mai 1996

article RICR No. 824

La Croix-Rouge et les armes biologiques et chimiques