Amandeep S. Gill

Number of articles written: 1 article

Amandeep S. Gill

Number of articles written: 1 article

Ambassador Amandeep S. Gill is Director of the International Digital Health and AI Research Collaborative at the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva. He was the Executive Director and Co-Lead of the Secretariat of the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation until August 2019 and has served as India's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. Ambassador Gill chaired the Group of Governmental Experts of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons on emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapon systems from 2017 to 2018. He currently serves as a member of the UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group drafting a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence, and as a Commissioner on the Lancet/Financial Times Commission on “Governing Health Futures 2030: Growing Up in a Digital World”.

Published articles

article IRRC No. 913

The changing role of multilateral forums in regulating armed conflict in the digital age