IRRC No. 51

The Child — Pillar of the Future

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In its early years the International Union for Child Welfare co-operated closely with the ICRC. Moreover, the Honorary President of the IUCW, Mrs. A. Morier, has, in a previous issue of our Review, recalled the support which Eglantyne Jebb, the founder of the Save the Children International Union, received from the ICRC in 1920.Since then, the Union has extended internationally and today its membership is drawn from many countries. In September 1964 its General Council met in Athens and the theme discussed was: “Investment in Child Welfare—an essential factor in economic and social planning”. On that occasion, Dr. Georges Sicault presented a paper in which he recalled how the “United Nations Children's Fund” (UNICEF) was born, what its activities were and to what extent one can today actively assist the international movement in favour of child welfare. It gives us much pleasure to publish this interesting paper. (Ed.)

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